Residential construction

Residential Buildings with Own Investment

CITY BUILDING also deals with construction and sale of residential buildings with our own investment. 

We use only first-class materials, whose quality we have tested and proven over the years.

We also take on residential building projects as contractors. In this case, our projects are commissioned by a client, who also chooses and approves their architecture. Our job is to complete the project in the best way possible and at a reasonable price. 

We have taken part in the end-to-end construction of both small residential buildings and big complexes. Based on the investor’s needs, we can handle only the rough-in or the finishing works.

Residential Construction as Contractors

Строим жилищни сгради и срещу възлагане. В този случай проектите ни се предоставят от възложителя и архитектурата е избрана и одобрена от него. Нашата задача е да изпълним проекта по възможно най – добрия начин и на разумна цена. 

Участвали сме в цялостното изграждане както на малки жилищни сгради, така и на големи комплекси. В зависимост от нуждите на инвеститора, можем да вземем участие само по време на грубия строеж или на довършителните работи.

City Building

CITY BUILDING LTD. is a fast-growing construction company based in Bulgaria. We specialise in civil and industrial constructions, reconstructions, and investment.

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